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Love the farmers market? Lets experience the farms themselves!

We’ll cruise the beautiful mountains in our comfortable 15 passenger van.

At each stop, the farmer will take us on a private tour of their incredible farms. Each tour is an intimate opportunity to see how your food is grown up close.

Along the way we’ll share our favorite spots in the area and some of the history and stories of the region. We’ll also sample lots of great food and stop at one of the farm cafe’s for a locally sourced meal.

For more information click here for FAQs.

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Our Story

We’re Lindsay and Kevin, founders of Table to Farm Tours. Saturday morning trips to the farmers market were a highlight of our weekends. We'd get there first thing for the best pick of the produce. The more we got to know the farmers, the more we wanted to visit farms, but realized it often requires careful research and planning. One morning over an amazing breakfast of local eggs, greens, and bacon, the idea for Table to Farm Tours was born.

Our goal is to connect the dots for you, curating tours to a variety of local producers from creameries to tea blenders, veggie farms to hard cideries, creating an experience you’ll remember long after you’ve visited the farms. Hop in our comfortable van and we’ll take you on full day tour or come along for an evening of amazing libations and excellent farm-to-table food. You’ll have opportunities to meet individual farmers, hear their stories, learn about their philosophies, tour the farm, and taste some amazing food.


Check out our instagram to see where we’ve been!